A Photographic love story

I am very blessed to have met and become engaged to the most wonderful woman through my camera and photography. Beautiful Sarah and I met when I was teaching her basic photographic skills shortly after she first acquired a camera . We have been on a journey of discovery and photography which have already taken us to many great places.
We share together our passion for making art with light .
February 2018 and I take a young lady, Sarah, for photographic tuition, I am completely smitten, but she's young, 21 years younger, so I avoid, she wants to rebook but I put her off and then in the end I say yes.
But I have to let her know how I feel, so I told her I liked her. I really thought that would be that, what would she see in me, this fairly depressed guy who was a lot older but she took my hand, she helped me rebuild, I was so taken by Sarah.
Now 6 years hence, we continue our photographic journey, we still enjoy making pictures together, making memories of our travels and adventures, of which we have had many now.
But more importantly , we continue our love story, our sharing of lives together that makes us special to each other. Sarah is to become my wife on May 6th 2024 after a lengthy engagement due to the Covid pandemic of 2020/21, our house buying, which we managed to orchestrate through all that madness and then there was the loss of my darling Dad, My dear Mum being very ill for some time, changes in direction work wise and now finally we are in a position of stability to settle things down and become man and wife - I give thanks to God for giving us the freedom to do so.

#livelife #lovelife #loveher

We are both very lucky to share and enjoy the same hobby, never tiring of another photographic adventure that awaits us at every opportunity, every day has an adventure, it's our job to find it.